Well, I did say "You are being lied to," didn't I? Maybe next time I'll have a pic... without comments. (>_<) That'll be hard to find. x_X;; I have to ink, scan, and clean stufff up!!! That's gonna be fun... Ha. I guess I'll start now. >_> I know!! I'll start with the... uhh... aw, crud. Hm... this is gonna be tough. So many... Meh. I'll keep drawing Tohya. Yesh, that is exactly what I shall do. X3 *Runs off to draw.*
GD is Da Shmeh's D&D campaign. It is slowly, but surely being made into an anime. It will take many years (and much schooling) to complete. It's still going through the stage development phase. It will come... sooner than we think... W007!! *Roll cheesy music* Much sooner.